Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I give up.

I'll do a blog.

I can't promise that it will be anything that anyone will want to read, but I will do my best.

Actually, my mind is constantly racing with various thoughts, and a blog would be a pretty great outlet for them. I have resisted having a blog for some time now because...well, I just have. It's none of your business why. Stop asking. I may blog about it some day.

I can make a few promises as we begin this adventure together (whoever might be reading this right now....probably just my wife....I love you):

1. I will try to update this blog as often as possible
2. I will fail at #1...miserably
3. I will probably offend you at some point in the blogging process with something that I say. This will not be intentional. If you let me know when you are offended, THAT is the point at which it will become intentional. Just keeping it real.
4. This blog will be unpredictable. I have no intention of writing deep, theological posts every single day. If you are interested in that kind of blog, see DailyDeepTheologicalPosts@blogspot.com (don't, actually, because I just made up that website).
5. If you are interested in a daily update of what is happening in my family, my wife's blog is much better. The website is http://www.thepatepotpourri.blogspot.com/ (that one is real).
6. I just realized that #5 isn't actually a promise. I promise I won't do that again.



  1. Feel free to offend me at any time! I am so glad that you have a sense of humor. I just hope people realize that it is a sense of humor :)

  2. I'll pop in and read them. Offend away. After all, this is the United States of The Offended. I'm sure if you're anything like me, you're an equal opportunity offender.

  3. Hilarious stuff. Keep up the good work. Love the story about modesty too. Will be checking back now and then. What an interesting mindset. Look forward to more!

