Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Do you enjoy being disrespected?

If your answer is "no", you will fit in nicely with the vast majority of normal human beings. 

If your answer is "yes", you will not fit in with the rest of us. 

You are, in fact, a weirdo. 

And for all you weirdos out there, for a limited time, you may sign up for my "DDT" service (Daily Disrespectful Texts), which should scratch your itch for being disrespected on a regular basis*. 

Some examples include:





"U MAKE ME :c=== [BARF]"

*Standard text messaging rates apply

Most of us, however, like to be treated with a certain level of respect. We don't enjoy being disrespected and we generally don't tolerate it for very long before we either say something about it or we discontinue contact with the disrespectful party. 

Can you tell when someone is disrespecting you? What are the signs that someone does not respect you? Here are a few that I've noticed:

1. They don't really look at you or listen to you when you're talking to them
2. They don't value your time (they may be late for all of your appointments)
3. They break promises that they've made to you
4. They choose other things/people over you
5. They are dishonest with you
6. They don't stick up for you around other people
7. They only talk to you when they need something from you
8. They don't appreciate what you do for them

These are fairly basic things, aren't they? Generally speaking, we extend these courtesies to most of our "friends", don't we? 

A disrespectful person might say, "Well, I didn't MEAN to ignore you!" or "I really DO appreciate you, even though I don't act like it!", but after a certain point, disrespect is inexcusable, obvious and irreparable.  

There are only so many times that someone can disrespect us before their excuses simply don't cut it anymore. They visibly, openly and deliberately don't respect us and there is no getting around it. 

Wouldn't you agree? 

What amazes me is how many people show these same signs of open disrespect towards God, and still have the nerve to call themselves "Christians". I'm not talking about the people (like myself) who sin on a regular basis because we're not perfect. I'm not talking about the people who admit their mistakes, repent of them, and ask God's forgiveness. I'm not talking about those of us who acknowledge our sinful nature and our dependence on the grace of an Almighty God. 

I'm talking about THESE people:

1. They don't listen in Bible class (if they bother to attend at all), sermons, devotionals, etc. when the Lord is speaking to them from His Word. Instead, they are on their phones, texting their friends, checking facebook, daydreaming, or playing games.
2. They are habitually late for worship (it starts at the same time every week...get up 15 minutes earlier and you can fix this problem!), and/or they leave before it's over. 
3. They claim to have become a disciple of Jesus Christ and to have given their life over to Him, yet their life still seems to be all about them.
4. They choose sports, recitals, friends, family, etc. over worshiping their God & being with His people on a consistent basis. In short, we have time for every other commitment we've made in life except for the one we made to God.
5. They say one thing in the church building (when other Christians are around) and another thing altogether at school, work, etc.
6. They deny God in their speech and behavior when they are around their worldly friends. They abandon God's commands when it's something they really want to have or something that they really want to do. 
7. They only mention prayer when they need something "big" from God or when they're in trouble; the rest of the time, they seem to be doing just fine without Him.
8. They are ungrateful people who have "earned their money" and can't seem to open their mouth to give thanks and to sing praises to the God who has given them everything they have. 

This behavior is disrespectful towards God.


And if those around us can see it, God certainly sees it. 

And the bottom line is that God won't tolerate it (long term) anymore than we will.

"Among those who are near me I will be sanctified, and before all the people I will be glorified" - Lev. 10:3 - [something God said immediately after killing 2 priests who disrespected Him]

"but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy" - I Pet. 3:15

"He will come and destroy those tenants" - Lk. 20:9-18 [a parable concerning what will happen to those who disrespect God/Christ Jesus/His servants]

Our specific level of respect towards God is something (on some level, at least) that can only be known by us and God.

However, our level of DISrespect towards God is another matter altogether. 

It is not a secret to those around us who are paying attention. 

It is visible, public, and shameful.

We all need to examine our lives, attitudes and behaviors on this issue of respect towards God.  

After all, hasn't He earned it?

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